Electron Documentation1.7.8

Docs / API / MenuItem

Class: MenuItem

Add items to native application menus and context menus.

Process: Main

See Menu for examples.

new MenuItem(options)


Roles allow menu items to have predefined behaviors.

It is best to specify role for any menu item that matches a standard role, rather than trying to manually implement the behavior in a click function. The built-in role behavior will give the best native experience.

The label and accelerator values are optional when using a role and will default to appropriate values for each platform.

The role property can have following values:

The following additional roles are available on macOS:

When specifying a role on macOS, label and accelerator are the only options that will affect the menu item. All other options will be ignored.

Instance Properties

The following properties are available on instances of MenuItem:

A Boolean indicating whether the item is enabled, this property can be dynamically changed.

A Boolean indicating whether the item is visible, this property can be dynamically changed.

A Boolean indicating whether the item is checked, this property can be dynamically changed.

A checkbox menu item will toggle the checked property on and off when selected.

A radio menu item will turn on its checked property when clicked, and will turn off that property for all adjacent items in the same menu.

You can add a click function for additional behavior.

A String representing the menu items visible label

A Function that is fired when the MenuItem receives a click event

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