We recently hosted an Electron hackathon at GitHub HQ for members of Hackbright Academy, a coding school for women founded in San Francisco. To help attendees get a head start on their projects, our own Kevin Sawicki created a few sample Electron applications.
If you’re new to Electron development or haven’t yet tried it out, these sample applications are a great place to start. They are small, easy to read, and the code is heavily commented to explain how everything works.
To get started, clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/electron/simple-samples
To run any of the apps below, change into the app’s directory, install dependencies, then start:
cd activity-monitor
npm install
npm start
Shows a doughnut chart of the CPU system, user, and idle activity time.
Shows the hash values of entered text using different algorithms.
Plays a video of the computer’s camera at a maximized size like looking into a mirror. Includes an optional rainbow filter effect that uses CSS animations.
Shows the current price of oil, gold, and silver using the Yahoo Finance API.
Loads a URL passed on the command line in a window.
We hope these apps help you get started using Electron. Here are a handful other resources for learning more:
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